
Wednesday 15 January 2014

A Cup of Tea with Me!

I've been doing an ace online blogging course run by the wonderful Pip Lincolne.  While my blog is still only in its infancy, the course has been great!  It has sparked inspiration and creativity not solely in my blog, but in my everyday life.  I've been writing again, I've been thinking, creating more and generally feeling inspiration all around me. I just needed the spark..

Anyhoo, Pip has set a challenge, and its the type of challenge I rise to, sitting down having a cuppa and a chat. So here goes....

1) Name, State and what you do on a daily basis...

I'm Jo, I live in a Victorian seaside town that goes from being a small quiet country town where everyone knows each other in the winter, to a heaving sweaty mass of holiday makers in the Summer. Some times this can be hard to deal with but before I get too snarky, I remind myself of what my eldest son once said. "Mum, they pay a lot of money to come and visit where we get to live all year"....Quite right too.

I spend my days first and foremost being a mum to my two boys,  Mr 12 and Mr 3. These two have been the making of me, given me direction and made my days shine.

I work part time in the local library, with a focus on early years. I do Story Time in the library once a week and do outreach to groups of kids and their parents that might need a bit of extra attention. So basically I get to read stories, sing songs,get crafty and share my love of reading and books with gorgeous preschoolers. Pretty awesome really.

2) Favourite things to do...

Trying to master a new stitch.

I must admit I'm terrible at narrowing things down to my absolute favourite. I'm always stressing out that I'm going to leave something out!

So, apart from work, which I love my favourite things include but are not confined to:

  • Crocheting, knitting, felting and general craftiness
  • Baking delicious desserts, cakes, biscuits...mmm
  • Sitting in my back yard watching my children, dogs and chooks doing what they do.
  • Escaping in to a good book, losing time and memories so I can completely inhabit another world.
  • Slowly edging my way inch by inch into the ocean on a hot day, taking my time, building up the courage, just so I can get to that moment of finally diving under, to feel that cold rush and relief. Bliss. And the salt water makes my curly, unruly hair look good!
  • Getting up before anyone in my house, to sneak a coffee, and some time to write, craft, read or just be.
  • Spending time with my family. My mum, brothers and sisters are my best friends and I love any time we have together.

3) Favourite place to be...

Home is having a greyhound wrapped in granny squares on my couch.

Home. I love spending time at home, with my boys, just hanging out.
My local beach is a piece of heaven, and any time spent there is always rejuvenating.
But basically I could be any where, as long as my loved ones are there...soppy I know, but true!

4) Favourite things to eat and drink...

I love stumbling to the kitchen first thing in the morning to make that first coffee of the day, most delicious if enjoyed in solitude.

Cups of tea are a must for the rest of the day, in fact I sometimes suspect that my veins run with milky tea, not blood. My Nana was always making tea for all and sundry. I'm yet to re create that particular deliciousness that she would brew, but I love it nonetheless.

And I must confess, to occasionally enjoying a Gin & Tonic at the end of the day, best imbibed when children are in bed, and the day is at its end.

I love food, all sorts, where to start?

I love baking ( and eating!) my great great grandmothers Ginger Cake. So yummy, and I love cooking something that has been handed down through my family, from mother to daughter...

I could eat anything my mum made, happily till the end of my days.

I confess to a sweet tooth, chocolate is a particular weakness.

I have also just discovered Maggie Beers Burnt Fig, Honeycomb and Caramel ice cream. I don't think I'll ever be the same....

5) Favourite inspirations..

I find inspiration everywhere, in books, on walks, at the beach.
Spending time with or reading about, creative people gets the sparks flying too.
Frustratingly I have a tendency to wake at some ungodly hour in the night with inspiration and ideas pinging through my brain. I always swear I'll remember in the morning...I need to get a notebook by the bed

6) Something I want to know more about..

I have inherited a rabid sense of curiosity from my mum. I love finding out new things and learning new skills.
but there's a few that I want to conquer sooner rather than later..

  • Spinning wool. I have two spinning wheels and so far have only produced lumpy, slubby, uneven bobbins.And I love it!
  • I have an inkling, a whisper of an urge to learn to play the banjo. Just because.
  • I want to know more about the world, about the lives of others, those less fortunate than me, and how I can help. 
  • I'd love to know more about my family history, the links of the chain that came before me.
7) Some favourite blogs.. 

Aargh, so many!!

Obviously Pip's..a place to visit to be inspired and entertained. I always get something from  popping in for a visit!

Foxs Lane A window into Kates life, which always stirs the best kind of jealousy. The kind that makes you want to get off your butt and make your own version.

Another one that makes me feel like that is Soulemamas. Gorgeous.

I'm always inspired by Dos family, fun and unique.

And of course my fellow Blog with Pip students, a bevy of new and exciting stories to follow!!

Well, that's me. I hope you enjoyed your visit!

Jo xx


  1. Oh that first cup in the morning is like breathing life into old bones - love it. Your life sounds pretty gorgeous - loved reading more about you. X

  2. That ice-cream!!! I'm just finishing the last of the tub now...waiting for my husband to figure out that I forgot to save him some ;)

  3. A wee bit jealous of your location and the icecream (dairy free household).
    Maybe one day could I be an annoying tourist there and see the lovely place you live!

  4. What do grandmothers do to their cups of tea to make them so much nicer than anyone can ever make? Lovely post x

  5. Thanks everyone for commenting! For some reason I can't reply to the individual comments ( I'm still challenged by the techie stuff!)

    I have to admit, on reflection my life is pretty gorgeous Bridie!

    Katie, I haven't decided if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but no one else in our house likes the ice cream, so it's left for me! Eek!

    Lila Wolf, my youngest has a severe dairy allergy, so it's strictly for eating after kids are in bed! And I'm sure you'd be a great visitor to my town!

    Sconnie and Jam, I'd love to crack that secret grandmother code of tea brewing! Perhaps it comes with experience, age and grandchildren!

    Thanks again for visiting
    Jo xx

  6. Ah ha! I can now reply to comments! Small victories! ;)
